18 Mar, 2019

Brahmacharya Shibir for unmarried behnos, March 2019

Some seeds of brahmacharya from the past life coupled with the Knowledge of the Self attained in this life, and encouragement from the living Gnani; all these put together makes such a path  that brahmacharya can be easily perfected.

brahmacharya shibir was organized for unmarried behnos having such intents of brahmacharya. It was held in Saffrony Resort, Mehsana from 13th to 17th March 2019, wherein 470 behnos participated.

Various satsangs with Pujyashree, including parayan on brahmacharya book, satsang on special topic ‘Upranu (Protection)’, and question-answer sessions were organized. There were few satsangs held for smaller groups too so that they could get satisfactory solutions to their problems.

Moreover, events like special dinner, informal, garba and Dada Darbar with Pujyashree were  organized.

Not only that, group discussions with Aptaputri behnos, personal discussions, vidhijagatk